Mattia Novello

Mattia Novello was born in Vicenza, Italy in 1985.
He graduated in visual communication at the European Institute of Design in Milan, then in fashion photography at the School of Visual Art in New York and in Mixed Media Art at the Parsons School in New York.
He lives and works in Treviso, Italy.
The artist starts from the observation that nothing really has a beginning or an end.
Small, large, matter, non-matter are not absolute dimensions. Every form and attempt at classification of what surrounds us demonstrates the human impossibility of grasping the complexity of the surrounding universe, of the Whole. Progress itself and the idea of time – present, past and future – are fundamental to man and are not innate in the objects and phenomena investigated.
The artist’s task is to recognize the intrinsic limit in man and his epistemological process, trying to grasp and represent the essence of reality, beyond what is known or supposedly known. In all of his works, Mattia Novello tries to capture the essence of reality, reaching the conclusion that time is circular, that the present, the past and the future coexist in a single eternal present, that the infinitely small is also infinitely large.
From the fascination of Nietzsche’s eternal return there is no loss or nihilism, but rather a vision of secular pantheism. Mattia therefore suggests a possible path in search of meaning, because in the end what man sees as a contradiction is actually part of a whole. If the meaning of the Whole is not humanly reachable, for the artist the answer is the search itself, the tension to always go further, to communicate the intuition of the Whole, which resides, as mentioned, in the connection between opposites and contradictions human.
But which forms can represent reality in its totality?
Friedrich Nietzsche responded by reminding us that “all things lie directly.”
Every truth is curved, time itself is a circle and therefore circularity is central and transversal in many works.
In circularity Mattia finds the tool to represent reality, synthesis of “opposites: life, death; big small, yesterday Today.
Thanks to the work, the final message is that we are part of the Whole, it reaches the viewer immediately, before the words and rational thought that demonstrate it.
A powerful lever of this empathy is the ambiguity (between reality and symbol, between said and unsaid) present in all the artist’s works.